Fotomuseum Den Haag Stadhouderslaan 43 | Postbus 72 | 2517 HV Den Haag
11 Oct —
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Exactly eighty years after the end of the Second World War, which also marked the end of the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies, the Fotomuseum Den Haag brings together contemporary image makers who reflect on the enduring impact of colonialism in the East. Drawing on personal experience, they investigate how it continues to influence their identity, family ties and position in society. Through photographs, videos, works from the museum’s collection and archival documents, they tell stories that have remained undiscussed until now.
This third generation with roots in the former Dutch colony are now young adults who have many questions: how does my family history and the colonial legacy make me who I am today? Their stories offer recognition for many and an invitation for a wider audience to think about this shared history.
For this project, the Fotomuseum collaborates with Museum Sophiahof.